Sunday, October 20, 2019

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Made this fun bag for Sandra.  She asked for something a little larger than the one I last made her.  Sandra carries a bag to work each day with things she will be using.  This one is made from various strips that are sandwiched with a stiff Pellon by a good sized zig zag stitch.
I used a red dot for the lining.  When she was visiting last month it wasn't quite done.  The handles were adjusted to a wider width; the length was perfect.  The bag was gifted to Sandra for her birthday that was earlier this month.
Oh you might want to know that I won a 1st place prize for my challenge project...the one with the ugly fabric.  I fell in love with making these rope baskets and since this winner was made a few others have been made.

I hope your day is perfect.  Until next time be good.


  1. Really nice looking bag, Betty! I'm sure Sandra will appreciate it.
    Great bowl--you are good at so many kinds of creating!

  2. Love the bag and the bowl.Ugly fabric,???looks mighty beautiful tome.

  3. Love the bag Mom! Being that I was there at the crowning of the winners of the guild challenge...having a bowl made from the fabric was a real surprise to everyone! Congratulations on your win. San
